About Me

My photo
EK, South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom
I am just a T### from EK,Scotland. Interested in most sports. Like to take photos of scenery in Scotland. Well they tend to be of golf courses, mostly ones on which I haven't even played.Would love to move to Florida. Don't listen to anything buttonsforbrains has to say on Florida though. I feel that working with so many oddities over the years has given me the knowledge to assist those with any work or domestic problem. With this in mind please look at the July archive and check out problems solved by myself. I try to laugh about life and what life can throw up. Just enjoy the blog for what it can offer you. Hopefully it can give you a laugh. I hope I dont upset anyone plus some of the stories may be slightly untrue. Since joining blogland I have also discovered a talented group of crafty girls. Listen to my music links and enjoy my varied taste.

Agony Alsie

  • Still running in July 2008 archive.View this now !!!!! Come on leave me a comment on any of the topics.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2010 resolutions

Post yours here and you can then tell me when you break them.


bumblealsie said...

Mine is to stop waiting to feel better before I do nice things, but to do nice things which will make me feel better.

Dragonlady said...

Hi there

Sounds good to me. Mine are the usual boring things more swimming less food. More crafting.
Do love your fun comments - thanks for visiting me.

Hugs Ali x

Anonymous said...

My resolution is to be nicer to Alsie.

Anonymous said...

Hod yer dod fit burd, that is mine.
secret admirer.

Anonymous said...

To go on holiday as much as possible, life's too short so we should all enjoy ourselves as much as possible. This may include another trip to my faz lanzarote on 21 Feb Alsie. p.s hope you are feeling better.

bumblealsie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bumblealsie said...

I am becoming a Gleek..

Anonymous said...

Mon resolution pour L'Anni Nouveau est -
Mon ami Bumble Alsie, si vous n'escrive pas mon billet doux dans le Blog, je vamoose - tout suite. Je perdu l'interest - Je suis ennui!!!
Je tricoter. Seulement, je recherche lainie fabrique en Ecosse par le 'Paton et Baldwin' - a savoir 'Le Bumble Bee'. Mon Dieu! - Une Grande erreur! J'arrive a Bumble Alsie. Huh! Au revoir mon cherie. Oh garcon l'impudent et silencieux. Mimi x

bumblealsie said...

what lovely thoughts you have, please dont lose interset and good luck with your knitting?

Anonymous said...

Bon soir mon amour. C'est jour de "Valentine" et Mimi veux envoyer le message a Bumble Alsie.

"Amour, Amour, Amour, ma petit tarte aux cerises".

Pour quoi n'arrive pour le diner chez Mimi?

J'ai tristesse!!!!!


et en Anglaise - SWALK

Mimi xox

Anonymous said...

HHUHH - Dit a moi - pourquoi le blog est tres ennuyeux. Ne rien arriver! Que se passet-il? Ne rien!

Quand Mimi envoye un billet doux pour le jour de Valentine, il est bonnes manieres reponder. PAAHH vous ettes un garcon mal eleve Bumble Alsie.

BAHH - Donc par consequent, Mimi alle vit rechercher un garcon nouveau qui est plus interessant.

Au Revoir - !!Y A W N!!

bumblealsie said...

sorry my dear Mimi but i got slightly distracted trying to knit Shaun for you, rather than send you wishes of love;;;;
my thoughts of love are with you every day and not just the one commercial needs decide

Anonymous said...

Ah - mon cherie - vous etes tres eloquent et poetique!

Ditte a moi - combien de Valentines recevez vous? Mimi pense - hmmm - vingt et un! Mimi recois huit parce que Mimi est tres jolie n'est pas?

Mimi est tres heureux - Mimi voudrais danse et danse et danse avec le tambourin et les castagnettes!

Bumble Alsie - merci beaucoup - et quand vous fini Shaun, Mimi voudrais le beret rouge s'il vous plait. Vite! Vite! Vite! avec votre tricot. Les aiguille a tricoter seront tres chaud!

Hup! Hup! Hup!

A bientot ma petit tarte aux cerises.

Mimi x

bumblealsie said...

I received no cards this year, due to my age i hope!!! surprised you did not receive more than 8 and cannot get the thought of you dancing in what sounds a very sexy way!!!i will have to give up with Shaun as my DW thinks i show enough gay tendencies as it is

bumblealsie said...

still a Gleek